We work on clean, green and sustainable
energy for life.

"The future depends on what we do in the present"

.........Mahatma Gandhi.

About SOLX

SOLX is established with extensive technical expertise and ability to design, source, install, commission, operate and maintain solar power systems.We offer full turnkey solutions at competitive prices either in on-grid or off-grid programs.

With its decentralized distribution network, we are able to respond and react to the clients’ needs very quickly and effectively.

About SOLX

Sustainability is our principle

SOLX is on a mission to achieve energy independence for everybody by producing sustainable clean energy. We take responsibility for people and nature throughout the process. We strive to give future generations a livable world.

Our vision drives us

We foresee a safe, comfortable and sustainable life for everyone on our green planet. SOLX cooperates in different energy dimensions. We act individually with the power of our personalities. The vision of sustainable energy for everyone, irrespective of limitations like financial instability and poverty, is what drives us.

Our mission is clear

We strive for a better life and a green world with more safety and comfort for everyone without boundaries.

Values make us strong

We are convinced that a secure future needs firm principles. Therefore, we always make sure to prove ourselves as a reliable partner. Only the deserved trust of our customers gives us the strength to develop solutions that ensure the comfort of the present without endangering the perspectives of future generations. With a fine sense of the needs of our fellow human beings we stand for a sustainable clean energy production.

The sun is the largest and most important source of energy for our planet. Let us use it as our sustainable, free, clean, noiseless and infinitely available source of energy!